Player Registration 

In order to play in box leagues, or to enter any tournaments, you must register. For box leagues, you must do this here, although for tournaments, you can do this during the online entry process. Once registered, you can login and edit your profile if necessary.

In order to register you may also need to provide a Security Code. If so, it will be provided by the league or tournament administrator.


First Name *

Surname *

Email *

Security Code: *


By registering for inclusion into the leagues, I hereby give my consent to have my personal contact data stored on the league system. I also agree that any contact details will be made available to other players in the league but only once they have logged into the system. I agree to this on the express understanding that at no time will any personal data be made available to third parties or anyone not directly associated with the club.

Required fields *

Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with an initial password, after which you can login and edit your details and enter results.