
Squash and S57 move to five week cycles
23 Sep 2019

The next league cycle is now live.  It runs from 23 Sep to 27 Oct.

The Squash and Squash57 leagues have moved to a five week cycle.  This is to increse the games per week ratio for those playing in leagues of four or less.  For those in leagues of five, it's still less than one league game a week which I hope remains manageable.

One league has been lost in this cycle having lost players who didn't play any games in the last round.  We hope they rejoin of course but in the short-term the aim is that getting a game should be easier.

You'll also have noticed that on the club's court booking system, the Your Information page has a 12 month record of all your bookings showing your record of having paid your share, or not, or having been paid your share, or not, of the court fee.  To be fair to all, please try and pay your share.   Thank you.

All of the above changes were in response to member requests.